Project partners involved in OPTIONs
Natural Resources Institute
University of Greenwich, Central Avenue,
Chatham Maritime, Kent ME4 4TB, United Kingdom
Prof Philip Stevenson
OPTIONs Project Leader
Prof Steven Belmain

Sokoine University of Agriculture
P.O. Box 3110, Chuo Kikuu, Morogoro, Tanzania
Dr Paul Kusolwa
Dr Maulid Mwatawala

World Afgroforestry Centre
United Nations Avenue, Gigiri, Kenya
Dr Daniel Ofori
Dr Parveen Anjarwalla
Dr Ramni Jamnadass

National Museums of Kenya
East Africa Herbarium, Kenya
Dr Patrick Muthoka
Dr Itambo Malombe

University of Zimbabwe
630 Churchill Ave,
Harare, Zimbabwe
Dr Brighton Mvumi

Sustainable Global Gardens
Whitley Bay, United Kingdom
Paul Keeley
Carole Keeley

Mzuzu University
Luwinga, Mzuzu, Malawi
John Kamanula

Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
Kew, United Kingdom
Prof Monique Simmonds

External Advisory Board Members
Prof Murray Isman
University of British Columbia

Dr Opender Koul
Insect Biopesticide Research Centre

Mr Steve Gullickson
McLaughlin Gormley King