Distribution and habitat
It is found in a variety of lowland rainfall habitats, throughout tropical Africa from sea-level up to 2000 m altitude, in Arabia, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia and Philippines.
Flowering and fruiting habits
Succulent climbing herb with tendrils. Stems 4-angled with wings at the angles. Leaves fleshy, very broadly ovate, variously 3-lobed; margin dentate. Inflorescences axillary, few-flowered. Fruit, a rounded fleshy berry, red when ripe. It flowers during the rainy season and sheds leaves during dry season.
Uses other than pesticidal
Traditional medicine- Used for joint and bone health and to treat feminine disorders and menopause.
Propagation and cultivation
C. quadrangularis is propagated with seeds. It can also be propagated with stem cuttings by using three internodes, left to dry, and then planted in a sandy soil.

Seed collection & Storage
One seed is formed in each fruit pod.
Parts used
Fleshy stems and leaves
Dry and grind to powder
Mainly post-harvest uses
Target organisms
Post-harvest beetles
Succulent climbing herb with tendrils. Stems 4-angled with wings at the angles. Leaves fleshy, very broadly ovate, variously 3-lobed; margin dentate. Inflorescences axillary, few-flowered. Fruit red when ripe. Found in a variety of low rainfall habitats.
Plant parts with insect-controlling properties
succulent stems and leaves